Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: ES, interface: EN, work in progress

tractus efferentes cerebellares (par)

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Home page TAH partonomy
Top level systema nervosum Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 rhombencephalon rostrale Short Extended
Current level tractus efferentes cerebellares (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short Spanish equivalent
tractus efferentes cerebellares (par)
haces eferentes cerebelosos (par)
72490 5763
fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli
fascículo uncinado del cerebelo
8467 tax
fibrae cerebelloolivares ; fibrae nucleoolivares
fibras dentatoolivares; fibras núcleoolivares
3 lines
33.3 %
33.3 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8320
Number of children 4 (validated)
Number of units 3 (validated)
Signature 7788 (validated since 19.4.2018)
Date: 05.06.2024